copyright notice
Stefan Poag, photographer
559 McGill Drive
Rochester Hills, MI 48903
(248) 345-9245
Unless indicated otherwise, the copyright on all images on this site is held by Stefan Poag. They may not be used for any purpose without the copyright holder's express permission. Note that all copyrighted images on this site in which the copyright is held by Stefan Poag were created AFTER the Berne Conventionof 1988 -- therefore it is technically unnecessary for these images to be accompanied by the copyright (©) notice symbol in order for copyright to be enforced. In most cases images on this site are marked with the copyright (©) symbol and an appropriate notice of copyright. Please DO NOT assume that images on this site which are unmarked are public domain. Contact Stefan Poag at the above address or email with any rights or usage questions.I do not generally object to viewers downloading or printing an image for personal, non-commercial reference UNLESS usage by the viewer involves a misrepresentation of the photographer/copyright holder and/or his work. I respectfully request that if you are unsure if your usage is appropriate, please contact me and ask for clarification. Commercial clients interested in usage should contact the photographer and be prepared to discuss usage rates.
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